Image encryption using cellular automata
To propose an image encryption system using one dimensional cellular automata for image encryption and decryption. Cellular automata can be corresponded with the essential cryptographic properties i.e. Balance, correlation-immune, nonlinearity, easy to implement in hardware. CA cryptosystems can give better performances compared to classic methods that are based on computational techniques. Therefore, this technique should be most favourable for cryptography....
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NFA to accept strings that has atleast one character occurring in a multiple of 3
Prerequisites: Finite AutomataGiven a string str consisting of characters a, b and c, check if the number of occurrences of any character in the string is a multiple of 3 or not....
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DFA accepting all strings over w ∈(a,b)* which contains “aba” as a substring
Given a binary string S, the task is to write a program for DFA Machine that accepts a set of all strings over w ∈ (a, b)* which contains “aba” as a substring.Examples :...
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DFA for Strings not ending with “THE”
Problem – Accept Strings that not ending with substring “THE”. Check if a given string is ending with “the” or not. The different forms of “the” which are avoided in the end of the string are:...
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Implementing DFA for no runs of length less than 4 for input (a,b)
DFA or Deterministic Finite Automata is a finite state machine, in which on every input alphabet a transition is done from one state to another state according to set of defined rules as per the need of string acceptance.In this particular problem, runs of length is the factor to think about.The input alphabets are {a, b}. No runs of length less than 4 means any input alphabets repeats itself minimum 4 times....
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Designing Deterministic Finite Automata (Set 1)
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Build a DFA to accept a binary string containing “01” i times and “1” 2j times
Given a binary string str, the task is to build a DFA that accepts given binary string if it contains “01” i times and “1” 2j times, i.e.,...
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Regular grammar (Model regular grammars )
Prerequisites: Chomsky hierarchy...
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Boyer-Moore Majority Voting Algorithm
The Boyer-Moore voting algorithm is one of the popular optimal algorithms which is used to find the majority element among the given elements that have more than N/ 2 occurrences. This works perfectly fine for finding the majority element which takes 2 traversals over the given elements, which works in O(N) time complexity and O(1) space complexity....
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Design a Turing Machine for equal number of a’s and b’s
Prerequisite – Turing Machine...
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Converting Context Free Grammar to Greibach Normal Form
Prerequisite – Context Free Grammars, Simplifying Context Free Grammars A context free grammar (CFG) is in Greibach Normal Form (GNF) if all production rules satisfy one of the following conditions:...
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Conversion of Regular Expression to Finite Automata
As the regular expressions can be constructed from Finite Automata using the State Elimination Method, the reverse method, state decomposition method can be used to construct Finite Automata from the given regular expressions....
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